Armoth Professional

Armoth Professional

Band saw blades for wood






As a result of a significant change of the production process, QSGS Technology introduces new and improved product - band saw blades for wood with increased efficiency of the cutting process.


Armoth Professional band saw blades for wood enable our Clients to increase the efficiency of the cutting process up to 50%. They are characterized by higher material feed rate (up to 30m/min) and higher linear cutting speed (up to 50 m/s). Depending on the type, they have longer work hours between servicing, from 4 to 20.


Band saw blades for wood with increased efficiency of the cutting process are divided into three groups: monolithic band saw blades, bimetal band saw blades and carbide-tipped band saw blades.


For the manufacturing process of Armoth Professional band saw blades we use high-alloy spring steel QSX, with an individually selected chemical composition that is protected by a patent. Additionally, the band saw blades go through different QSGS Technology patent-protected production processess.


The entire manufacturing process is supervised and examined by engineers from our factory laboratory.




Armoth Professional band saw blades are tools for leaders of professional wood cutting.